
Thanks for visiting

This is a blog that I had on disability and development issues between 2012 and 2016. I’ve stopped writing here – you can see the latest from me at my home page. Posts that might be interesting include some personal … Continue reading

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Employers being “smart” on disability

Over at the ILO’s Work in Progress blog, I’ve written about smart employers and disability inclusion. When I worked at the ILO last year they got me a mobility scooter to get around Geneva. If all employers worked this way … Continue reading

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Filed under Employment, Personal

Next steps: arriving in Egypt

One week ago I arrived in Cairo. I’m here to take a few months of an Arabic language course, and then look for work in the region on disability and international development. I’ve been lucky enough to meet brilliant people … Continue reading

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Filed under Egypt, Language Learning, Personal

My time in Geneva: troubling comforts

Last year there was a big silence on the blogging-front, and other areas of my life, as I got caught up in all the people and pleasures and things to learn from my first posting in Geneva. I had a … Continue reading

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Reflections on 4+ years living and working in Bangladesh

It’s hard to describe Bangladesh because some of the first things that come to mind are the things that you don’t like. It’s poor, dirty, unfair, horribly horribly unfair, and inconvenient. I’ll probably tell you about the inconvenience first, the … Continue reading

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Filed under Bangladesh, Personal