Disability and Extreme Poverty: Recommendations from Practitioners in Bangladesh

Experts and organizations working on disability-inclusive poverty reduction in Bangladesh have shared their lessons in this brief guide.

The summary gives an overview of the situation of persons with disabilities in extreme poverty in Bangladesh, highlighting disability-specific challenges, and the gaps in institutional capacity to deal with these issues.

Recommendations are given on the need to identify persons with disabilities more clearly, introduce disability-focus to mainstream poverty reduction efforts, adopt measures to overcome disability specific challenges, and strengthen institutional capacity to work on disability issues.

Brief extracts of this document have already been included in the Government of Bangladesh’s background research for the 7th Five Year Plan, in the paper Ending Extreme Poverty in Bangladesh During the Seventh Five Year Plan.

Thanks to EEP/shiree for originally requesting the disability sector in Bangladesh provide this background information, building on existing initiatives.

The latest version is dated April 5th 2015: Disability and Extreme Poverty: Recommendations from Practitioners in Bangladesh. Feedback and comments are welcome to strengthen these recommendations further.

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