Case Studies

Here are posts on places that I’ve been or things that I’ve read about.

“I never thought I’d work in a factory” – disabled people in Bangladesh’s garments sector

From outside Bangladesh, the garments sector there is probably best known for low wages, poor working conditions and some horrific industrial accidents. But inside the country it’s driven industrial growth and social change. Over 4 million people work in the … Continue reading

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Filed under Bangladesh, Case Studies

Way more than we thought: a father, a mechanic, a disabled person and beyond

A few months ago, I’m speaking to Mosharrof on the phone. I’d never met him, but I did know him from a video: A father, a mechanic, a trainer, an entrepreneur and disabled – in that order. It’s less than … Continue reading

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Filed under Bangladesh, Case Studies, Employment

If you do not want to be trapped – a self-help group in Hong Kong

There’re special environments you come across in places where disabled people have gotten together. Places that you feel welcome into a community and you see what that community has done for its members. When a friend and I visited Chosen … Continue reading

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Filed under Case Studies

Redesigning the fishing pole – a call-centre in Singapore

A few months ago I was lucky enough to visit Eureka Call Centre Systems in Singapore. They’re a call centre that some years ago decided to include disabled people. Faced with staff regularly leaving, they “needed to innovate”. The innovation … Continue reading

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Filed under Case Studies

Just Over 4.5 US Dollars Per Month: Cash Transfers in Mozambique

Meet Carlito, in Mozambique. Carlito receives around 4.5 USD a month as a beneficiary of a programme providing support for the elderly and people with disabilities considered unable to work. As Carlito shows us in the video, even after receiving … Continue reading

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Filed under Case Studies, Social Protection