
Notes on mainstreaming disability.

Lessons from mainstreaming disability in poverty reduction in Bangladesh

In Bangladesh, one of the projects I worked on was a project dedicated to supporting poor people in towns and cities across Bangladesh. UPPR was dedicated to supporting three million poor people, and my work was to make sure that … Continue reading

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Filed under Bangladesh, Mainstreaming, Social Protection

What are difficulties in cash transfers for persons with disabilities? Nepal edition.

Kristie Drucza did important research in Nepal on social protection, including on the grants given to persons with disabilities. Despite the government’s good intentions in funding the disability allowance in Nepal, it remains a problematic cash transfer that can be … Continue reading

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Filed under Mainstreaming, Social Protection

A summary of what we know about disability and poverty reduction in Bangladesh

I’m excited to be able to share with you recommendations on including persons with disabilities in poverty reduction based on field experience in Bangladesh. After discussions and a couple of rounds of drafting, we’ve been able to produce a summary … Continue reading

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Filed under Bangladesh, Mainstreaming

Disability is part of who I am and why I’m great at my job

Following on from a series of posts on disability in aid-work on WhyDev I wrote a response. In it I affirm positively the place my own disability has had in my work, and then, beyond this, try to explain why … Continue reading

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Filed under Mainstreaming

Do you sit or squat? Toilet-makers in South Asia need to ask this question

It’s time for a toilet break. One of the problems poor people face in this part of the world is that they don’t have toilets or clean water. Language here starts getting complicated pretty quickly – the Millenium Development Goal … Continue reading

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Filed under Bangladesh, Mainstreaming

Great report on disability and development. But why hadn’t we done it before?

“We’re delighted“, and “fully agree” with the “landmark” report released by the UK Parliament yesterday. Disability and Development is a series of recommendations to the Department for International Development (DFID) outlining both why it should and how it can strengthen … Continue reading

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Filed under Mainstreaming

Why does the aid industry ignore disabled people?

Tim Wainwright, CEO of Action on Disability and Development asks the question in a post titled Development’s Cinderella?. It’s worth seeing the post for a collection of the reasons that the aid industry should include people with disabilities and also … Continue reading

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Filed under Mainstreaming

Is DFID looking the other way on disability and education?

A recent report has called up UK’s Department for International Development for a strategic silence on inclusion of disadvantaged groups in its education programmes (hat tip to The Guardian Global Development). Equity and Inclusion for All in Education from the … Continue reading

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Filed under Mainstreaming